Monday, December 22, 2008

Love Mark Update...

We have been working with Phoenix Children's Hospital with Kate's "Love Mark" and they have now declared it a Hemangioma. Here are a few facts we have learned
*A hemangioma is a formation of blood vessels that be superficial or deep.
*They are most common in Caucasian females.
*The doctors do not treat them with anything because they go away by themselves!
*They normally grow...not wider but get more bumpy until about 6 months and then they start decreasing....most a gone by age 5 and faded and much smaller by age 2.
*The most growth occurs during the 2nd and 3rd it will get worse before it gets better.

After learning a little more information it was comforting to know that she would not have to have 8 sessions of laser surgery starting at 4 months that we originally thought. I did not like the idea of her being put under 8 times before she was 2. They said once in awhile there might still be some light pink spots left, and at five they can laser those off! So although it might take a little longer to get rid of it is amazing that the "Love Mark" will eventually go away by itself! I feel so blessed that she is a happy, healthy baby....and still so cute....just another adventure!

1 comment:

Brittani said...

yippy! how exciting!