Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Ultimate Mom Move...

So I pulled the ULTIMATE mom move....I swore I would never do it, because it is a little gross, but we were in a hurry..... and he had dried toothpaste on his face. So YUP I licked my thumb and tried to wipe off the crusty tooth paste...This picture really does say a million words!

Carter: "Mom what did you just do?!"
Me: "Nothing bud, we are in a hurry, let's go!"
Carter: "That is TOTALLY disgusting...I can't believe you did that!"
Me: "It's not a big deal...."
Carter: "Gross. now I have spit on MY face, you're not the best anymore!"

Then he burst into tears...Needless to say the "mom move" was NOT faster!
Oh Carter....We Love you!


Unknown said...

Ha Ha! WE LOVE YOU CARTER!! That is so funny :) I love catching up on your blog, I haven't been to blog land since last month (last year :)

love you, miss you

this is rachel

Brittani said...

i do that all the time. :)

JoEllen said...

That is absolutely hilarious!! Oh, the things we said we would never, ever do!