I love Pig-Tails...Kate's hair is ALMOST long enough! My problem is she won't leave ANYTHING in. I thought my little girl would always have her hair done and look cute. It was my pet-
pev when I saw little girls with hair in their eyes and messy. But once again, I am now THAT parent that has the "messy" little girl. NEVER SAY NEVER....

We have been working on animal sounds at our house...the favorite lately is the Monkey Noise...Here she is demonstrating it!

Kit Kat has the best hair, it is pretty thick and has curl with lots of body....
Now if she would just sit still and LEAVE it in...

I am sure once she is 16 she will actually like having her hair done! Until then she will have constant Bed Head! Honestly!
I LOVE PIGTAILS on little girls. Kirra has a mullet so that is the only hairdo that works on her for the moment. If only she'd sit still long enough for the part to be straight and the pigtails even!
I am the messy hair mom because Ryann's hair is sooo fine that everything I do it falls out anyway. boo. the piggies are adorable though!
Piggies are my favorite too!! Have you tried hair ribbons over the top? If I would cinch the knot down really tight, the girls had a hard time pullng them out?? Just a thought...
WE LOVE pigtails! The best ribbons in the world are the grossgrain ribbons. They are perfect and can tie super tight. I started out thinking I would only put hair in bows one time a day. If they were pulled out more than that, well than too bad. AFter hair bows being pulled out two minutes after I put them in (urrrgggg) I quickly changed my tune.
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