Sunday, July 6, 2008

Santa Cruz Beach BoardWalk!

Not much better then an amusement park on the beach! Carter and Sammie waiting patiently for the Happy Shamu ride!

Carter and Bronwin flying high!
The Green Dragon! This was a small roller coaster that went around the same track twice. After the first time I told Carter we got to go again he started screaming...."No I am done! Only one time!"
Clear the roads!
The two year olds did not get naps and Sammie had had enough! My sister has GREAT kids, so it is nice to see that they have melt downs once in awhile....still the cutest little thing!

The kids seemed to perk right up with Cotton Candy. Mom of the year....cotton candy at 10 o'clock at night! Honestly!As if my child needs weapons...grandma bought light swords for all the kids! No wonder they thing she is awesome! Carter and Sammie Lou fightin it out! We had to pull them apart to make sure there were no major injuries!The light sword is the first thing Carter wants in the morning....I have a feeling it might "accidentally" disappear!


Drew and Tarah said...

wow, you guys have been super busy! tell cody he needs to play softball so we can see you and carter!

Mandi Damron said...

I miss you guys so much!