Monday, April 28, 2008
Sports Nut!
My two year old is a sports nut. I am not sure I have ever meet a little kid who LOVES sports so much. At age 2 he has decided that all he should ever wear is a sport shirt and basketball shorts! He wakes up in the morning and tells me exactly what he wants to put on....normally it is is Suns Steve Nash shirt and shorts! ( They are ridiculous!) But yesterday he let Kody put on some Khaki shorts, which doesn't sound like much, but is a huge step in our world. (He still had to wear an ASU shirt!) After he got dressed he was ready to play baseball. He got his glove and ball and got in his wind-up position and immediately fell to the floor screaming saying he could not pitch it because of his shorts. It turned out his shorts were just too restrictive.......
So we had to change outfits all together so he could do his COMPLETE wind-up without the short restriction! Pretty impressive!

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Bec!!! your blog is AWESOME, i'm excited I have another sibling to check out, I need to update mine, we have ATON of new pictures forom Tia and Cams wedding which was great but I need to call you, we have been so busy. I love you and great job, carter is so stinkin cute, and a girl!!!??? possible!!?? wahooo. Love ya talk to you soon
Love the blog... love seeing the "other side" of the Damrons!! The details we miss at Presidency meeting!
So excited you are blogging and congrats on the pregnancy! I am so excited for your little family!! Hope you have been feeling well. Carter is sooo big and looks just like your hubby! So happy we can keep updated on the Damrons through the wonderful world of blogging!
Cole needs to take some baseball lessons from him! Carter is going to be ticked when he has to play T-ball!
Oh how I love that story..mainly b/c I can relate to it in every way, shape and form. Why do you think Grant runs around with NO shorts on all the time when we are at home? It's so he can do his sports moves without the 'un-restrictiveness' :) I swear, Grant and Carter are 2 peas in a pod!
That is too dang funny. Sounds like he is going to be a pretty amazing athlete.
Oh my gosh! He's already pro, seriously his wind-up is impressive! Don't tell him the Suns lost last night :)
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