Saturday, February 13, 2010

DBacks Fan Day....

This morning Carter and Kody went to The DBacks Fan Day at Chase Field....and Carter was in HEAVEN! You could actually go down on the field and have balls pitched to you. The DiamondBacks pitching coach was pitching to Carter, he started out close and pitched underhanded....but he quickly learned to back up and throw some heat!
Getting ready...watching the ball....
Carter was able to hit multiple balls over the fence....more then a lot of the 10 year olds! The annoucers in the back could not believe him...
After the DBacks Pitching Coach was so impressed he thought Carter should sign up for the Mini DBacks classes for the 6-10 year olds. Needless to say Kody was SO proud! Carter was just mad he missed two pitches!
Carter and the DBacks Pitching Coach....
There were blow-ups and bounce houses....
They also were able to tour the clubhouse...Carter in front of one of his favorite players locker: Stephen Drew!
They came home with signed balls and bats Carter's little life it does not get much better!
Carter is now on countdown until the season starts....


JoEllen said...

That's awesome! Maybe Carter can teach Ethan to play ball and Ethan can give Carter a few pointers on becoming a mountain biker =)

Brittani said...

that is a pretty good reason to miss a birthday party! haha. It looks like he had a blast.

The Bellyakers... said...

Well no kidding! I've seen tihs little guy play! He was born to play!!! How fun!!