Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

I love Mother's Day, it has turned into one of my favorite days and it gets better as Carter gets older.  This year he as able to help pick out a gift which he had plenty of opinion on....
Some of my favorite "Carter-isms" for Mother's Day:

*He was SURE I wanted and ORANGE long sleeve sweater since it was like the Phoenix Suns.
(Kody eventually talked him into a green short sleeve shirt for the Celtics instead since it is 100 degrees here. The sales helper thought it was GREAT!)
*I had to have PINK flowers because girls like pink!
*He got M&Ms from church to give to me BUT he said,
"Mom I will give these to you ONLY IF you share with me!"
*They passed out roses to all the mother's at church and Carter said, 
"Hey mom it is just like the Trojans football game."
(The Rose Bowl for College football is always played at USC home of the Trojans! Really?!)

He also filled out a survey about me, I loved his little answers:
All About my Mom: According to Carter

Favorite Dessert: Mac n' Cheese
Favorite Vacation: The Grocery Store
My mom loves to: Wash Things
When  I go to school my mom: Goes to the Phoenix Suns Games


Brittani said...

I can't wait for the day when I drop Ryann off at school and get to go to a phoenix suns game--- let me know what I am missing in the meantime!

Cami said...

This is classic. Yes, we all get together, hit an NBA game, shop, do lunch, all while the nanny is at home with sleeping baby.

Foulgers said...

ah, hahaha...if only those were your real answers. you'd be the greatest mom ever

Merrill Family said...

Too funny. I bet you do go to Phoenix Suns games by yourself whenever you get a chance!

Rach said...

SOOOOO cute :) I want to give my kids the quiz and see what they say, too funny.