Kate is now officially 4 months and is SO much fun! She is laughing, smiling, talking, grabbing at toys and trying to put them in her mouth, and drooling like crazy. (I think she is working on teeth.)
4 Month Stats
Weight: 15 lbs 11 oz .....90%
Height: 26 inches........95%
Head: 40 1/2 cir..........25%
Cheeks: HUGE (Carter calls her Apple Cheeks)
Hair: Long in the front, mullet in the back!
Love Mark Update
We went in this week to Phoenix Children's and she has been taken off her steroid medication. It is amazing how much more content she is and her food consumption has been cut completely in half. She is still on the blood pressure medication and will probably remain on that until she is 6 or 7 months. They are hoping that it is done growing at a rapid rate and in the next few months should start to fade by itself. Now it is just the wait and see game...It seems to be getting better although it always looks much worse in pictures, maybe the flash?
Gosh she is so cute, I love the 3rd picture of her, she almost looks crossed eyed, hillarious :)
Oh I just love them!
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