Monday, March 30, 2009

If ONLY...

This week we have a few extra kids...THREE! We have turned into a five kid family and it is a little busy! Baby Kate wishes she could get in on the mix outside!  She doesn't realize it is much safer from a distance though!
Still in Jammies at 4:30 and hair not done, that's what happens when you have five under the age of 7! Still pretty cute though!

Boys, Boys, Boys...

We met some friends at the park and it was boy heaven...they were rough and tough and tackling each other. All the other kids at the park stayed far away, I  don't blame them.  One dad even came over and asked if they were  in a football league. Gotta love boys.
Looking sweet?!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

78 Degrees & Perfect!

This is why we live in Arizona....swimming in March! Now I just have to remember that in July! It was Kate's first time in the pool and she LOVED it! Here she is in her sweet swim suit, yes it is a 12 month size! Yikes!

Carter was an immediate fish....jumped right in and swam, and swam, and swam!
Kate played in the water for an hour, laughing, splashing, and smiling! Thank goodness she is a water baby or we would not have made it this summer.

Mr. Hot Rod rinsing off after the shower!
Gotta love Arizona in the Spring Time!

Go Jr. D-Backs!

Wahoo! T-Ball has started.  Today was Carter's first game and he was so excited!
He got his hat, got his glove, got his cleats, got his jersey, and then tucked his batting gloves in the back of his pants. "This is what ASU players do mom!" (He left them there the whole game, he would not even put them on to bat!)
Carter and his buddy Max waiting on the bench to bat.
Coach Bob giving Carter a few last minute instructions....
Thinking about it....
Ready, Set, Swing.....
Got it....
Whew made it to first base!
Carter's cheerleader section.  Thank goodness for Nana, she takes care of Kate while Kody and I chase Carter and try to keep him on the field!
Poor Kate this is just the beginning of MANY games I am sure she will have to go too!

Friday, March 13, 2009

4 Months Already...

Kate is now officially 4 months and is SO much fun! She is laughing, smiling, talking, grabbing at toys and trying to put them in her mouth, and drooling like crazy. (I think she is working on teeth.)
  4 Month Stats
Weight: 15 lbs 11 oz .....90% 
Height: 26 inches........95%
Head: 40 1/2 cir..........25%
Cheeks: HUGE (Carter calls her Apple Cheeks)
Hair: Long in the front, mullet in the back!

Love Mark Update
We went in this week to Phoenix Children's and she has been taken off her steroid medication.  It is amazing how much more content she is and her food consumption has been cut completely in half.  She is still on the blood pressure medication and will probably remain on that until she is 6 or 7 months.  They are hoping that it is done growing at a rapid rate and in the next few months should start to fade by itself. Now it is just the wait and see game...It seems to be getting better although it always looks much worse in pictures, maybe the flash?
She is trying to sit up by herself....
Kate would not smile of course for the picture, here is Carter trying to help! He can ALWAYS make her laugh. She really does love him!

Basketball Trophy...

Carter's first basketball season is officially over and he has now started T-Ball. It was an "eventful" season.  Carter's coach was wonderful and he LOVED to shoot, but there were a few wrinkles....getting kicked out of a game for tackling, getting pulled from practice for punching a kid in the back, and getting yelled at by everyone at the game to shoot the ball after he ran around the whole a court a few times before shooting it! It was defiantly a good time!  Carter thought the best part was his FIRST Basketball Trophy! He even slept with it the first few nights!
Here is Carter in his FAVORITE outfit.  I have completely given up that battle! I figure as long as it is clean he can wear it every other day (which he does)! But it is almost time to be you can see it has been truly loved, the number and letters are finally coming off, he does not seem to mind though.  It is going to be a sad, sad day at our house when it "disappears"!
He is no longer NASH, just NAS!
***As I look through the blog it seems he has this shirt on in EVERY post! I promise it is normally always clean!***

Railroad Field Trip

Last week Carter's class went on a field was great! As you can see Carter didn't want to take a picture.  We love Ms. Teddie, she is the best!
Riding on the Merry-Go-Round did seem to make him cheer up!
His cute little buddy Julia...
After the Merry-Go-Round it was off to the train...ChooChoo! Carter and Caden very excited!
Andrea too!

It was a great day and lots of fun! I am so grateful for Teddie and all the hard work she does with Carter, he truly loves her.  We are so lucky to have him in her preschool!